+47 97 97 14 14 post@geilolia.no

Geilolia is now a certified Eco-Lighthouse

We want to take responsibility for the environment and in June 2021 we became certified as an Eco-Lighthouse.

The work includes a review of the company’s purchasing, maintenance, and waste routines. At least as important is that our guests can be an active part of the environmental work. We will think about the environment both when planning and carrying out activities and events, as well as when choosing partners.


Geilo is a Sustainable Travel Destination

The brand for Sustainable Travel Destinations is a quality brand for destinations in Norway. The brand is based on a standard that sets clear requirements for the destination’s ability for sustainable business and development.

The labeling scheme is an offer to Norwegian destinations that want to take responsibility for the negative impact of tourism on the environment. Labeling presupposes that the destination takes care of nature, culture and the environment, strengthens social values ​​and is economically viable. Geilolia AS is a member of Visit Geilo and, together with the other member companies, has been involved in the process leading up to the brand.


What does the environmental certification entail?

Environmental certification and sustainable tourism are much more than most people imagine when it comes to environmental work. It is easy to think only of Nordic Ecolabelling, source sorting and energy-saving bulbs. The certification also makes many other demands, but also provides inspiration and opportunities.

The work also includes a responsibility for local culture and history, good jobs and creating a viable local community. Much of this is already in place, but through the certification process we must document everything and think carefully through all the choices we make.

Based on UNWTO’s definition, Innovation Norway has developed its 10 principles for sustainable tourism:


10 principles for a sustainable tourism

These 10 principles guide our work for sustainability in tourism:


Conservation of nature, culture, and environment

1. Cultural richness
To respect, develop, and highlight the local community’s historical-cultural heritage, authentic culture, traditions and distinctive features.

2. The physical and visual integrity of the landscape
To preserve and further develop landscape quality, both for urban and rural areas, so that the landscape’s physical and visual integrity is not degraded.

3. Biological diversity
To support the conservation of natural areas, wildlife, and habitats, and minimize their destruction.

4. A clean environment and resource efficiency
To minimize pollution of air, water, and land by tourism companies and tourists (including noise), as well as to minimize the generation of their waste and the consumption of scarce and non-renewable resources.

Strengthening social values

5. Local quality of life and social values
To preserve and strengthen the quality of life in the local community, including social structures, access to resources, facilities, and public goods for all, as well as avoid any form of social degradation and exploitation.

6. Local control and commitment
To engage and empower the local community and local stakeholders in terms of planning, decision-making, and the development of local tourism.

7. Job quality for tourism employees
To strengthen the quality of tourism jobs (directly and indirectly), including wage levels and working conditions without discrimination based on gender, race, disability, or other factors.

8. Guest satisfaction, security, and quality of experience
To ensure safe, satisfying, and enriching experiences for all tourists regardless of gender, race, disability, or other factors.

Economic viability

9. Economically viable and competitive tourism destinations through local value creation
To ensure the viability and competitiveness of tourism destinations in a long-term perspective, by maximizing the value creation of tourism in the local community, including what tourists leave behind of values ​​locally.

10. Economically viable and competitive tourism companies
To ensure the viability and competitiveness of tourism companies in a long-term perspective.